Let’s be realists, let’s demand the impossible


We accept orders from anywhere in Poland. The ordered product is carefully packed and shipped by UPS and DHL couriers. Depending on the size of an order, products are packed in packages or shipped on a pallet. We also provide packing services that consist of dividing and packing products into sets for shipping or for retail sales. Upon customers' requests, our products can be put into original packaging of a given manufacturer.

Why us?

No Limitations

Want to cut, paint, bend something? Or maybe all at once? To us, human imagination has no limitations. We are open to every order.


Together, we will determine the most convenient time to finalize a specific order. Your time is important to us, so we always carry out our order on time.


Thinking: "It's only a detail" does not apply to us. To us, EVERY detail matters. Every detail is really important, and its execution must be as perfect as the whole product.


We respect the material provided. Thanks to advanced technology and a well-equipped machine park, we can guarantee a minimum of losses related to the so-called "waste".